Eyelashes and Eyebrows!
I have been going to Raddi for a few years now and thought I should recommend what I always have done, eyelash and eyebrow tinting.
As a natural blonde I have very piggy eyes without mascara and no discernable eyebrows. I can’t be bothered with make-up so I go to Raddi about once a month to have them dyed.
It makes a huge difference and although I pay for it, the last time I was there I told her it really is like a public service that she’s doing as it really changes how you look and feel.
She is very patient, professional and kind. I really enjoy my appointments. I’ve been having my eyelashes tinted for over half my life now and been to many different places, so I know what I’m talking about when I say that she knows what she’s doing, is reasonably priced and does a good job!
Thank you!